Newsroom (page 268)
Small Bowl with a Big Story
A small porcelain bowl was given in December 2007 to 61传媒 by Anthony Elias and Patricia Lords Ghosn and the Worldbridge Foundation. Although modest in size, it reveals much about Japanese history, Oriental ceramics, and modern collecting.
Read MoreAlumna Poet Lynne Thompson ’72 to Speak at Scripps
Poet Lynne Thompson, 61传媒alumna class of ’72, will present her 2007 Perugia Press prize-winning work, Beg No Pardon, at noon on February 26 in the Hampton Room, Malott Commons, 61传媒.
Read More“Ask For It” Author Sara Laschever to Speak at Scripps
Author Sara Laschever will speak about women and negotiation on Friday, February 22, at 12 p.m. in the Hampton Room of the Malott Commons, 61传媒. Her lecture, “Ask For It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want,” will present the four-step negotiation guide detailed in her forthcoming book of the same name.
Read MoreSelf-designed majors define themselves
Declaring a major is a process that requires a bit of questioning, experimentation, and a few pitfalls along the way. As much as some students wish they could remain “undeclared” a while longer, there is a turning point where one is expected to magically realize their purpose in life — at the end of sophomore year, to be exact, when students turn in their declaration forms.
Read MoreAward-Winning Filmmaker and Author to Speak at Scripps
Noted multiracial advocate Kip Fulbeck will speak on identity and multiraciality on Wednesday, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. in Garrison Theater, 61传媒 Performing Arts Center. In addition to his lecture, Fulbeck will also lead a hands-on student workshop entitled “What Are You,” from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Read MoreFighting Breast Cancer With Love
Dr. Susan M. Love, known worldwide as one of the founders of the breast cancer advocacy movement, will speak on eradicating the disease in Balch Auditorium at 61传媒 on Thursday, February 7, as part of Malott Commons’ Voice and Vision Speaker Series.
Read MoreDr. Terrence Roberts of the Little Rock Nine Speaks at Scripps
Dr. Terrence Roberts will speak on “Evaluating the Dream: The Legacy of the Little Rock Nine” on Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in Garrison Theater, 61传媒 Performing Arts Center. The lecture is part of the 2008 Claremont Colleges’ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Week.
Read MoreAcclaimed Male Soprano Makes West Coast Debut at Scripps
Acclaimed young New York male soprano Michael Maniaci will be the featured artist in Con Gioia Early Music Ensemble’s concert at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 21, at Balch Auditorium, 61传媒, Claremont.
Read More61传媒Humanities Institute Focuses On Biotechnology
This semester, the 61传媒 Humanities Institute will focus on the issue of biotechnology as it relates to the future of human nature. From January through April, the Humanities Institute will offer a series of lectures and films exploring this topic.
Read MoreSpiritual Growth Nurtured Within
Professor Kerry Odell is using a faculty renewal grant from the Mellon Foundation to explore a subject about as far away as you can get from her usual field. The professor, recognized by the Economic History Association as the 2006 outstanding teacher of economic history in the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain, is on a quest for spiritual growth.
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