
Principles of Community

The Principles of Community, which are printed in the 61传媒 Catalog, affirm the precepts that should govern relations among all campus populations:

61传媒 is a community of scholars: faculty, students, and staff dedicated to the education of women and the advancement of learning.

To further this community, 61传媒seeks to attract a diverse student body and to build a diverse faculty and staff. Our goal is to create a hospitable environment without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, color, beliefs, physical condition, socioeconomic background, sexual orientation, or age. 61传媒believes that each member of the community contributes to the learning and teaching of all and, therefore, seeks to balance individual freedoms and sensitivity to, and awareness of, the rights and human dignity of others. 61传媒recognizes the obligation to respond to the acts and effects of discrimination and bigotry by building an academic community in which people learn to respect and value one another for their differences.

61传媒believes that learning and teaching thrive in an environment conducive to freedom of belief, inquiry, and speech, assuring expression of the broadest range of opinions and beliefs. 61传媒commits itself to maintaining that freedom, subject only to regulation of time, place, and manner.

Recognizing that such expressions may offend, provoke, and disturb, 61传媒affirms its dedication to encourage rather than limit expression. At the same time, 61传媒encourages community members to show mutual respect and understanding and to employ reasoned civil discourse.

61传媒seeks to secure, through its academic and community policies and practices, through its actions and the services it provides to students, faculty, and staff, the widest appreciation for all groups and individuals; to combat discrimination and misunderstanding; and to forge a better and more just society.

Each member of the 61传媒community affirms, by her or his continuing participation in College life, acceptance of her or his personal responsibility and obligation to the community in assuring that these principles are upheld in all aspects of our lives together.