
Feature Stories (page 7)

August 30, 2018

Back to School: 61传媒 Welcomes Our Newest Students

This week, 61传媒welcomed all new students to campus. Vice president for enrollment Victoria Romero previewed the class statistics at Scripps’ New Student welcome event, sharing “fun facts” about the entering class.

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August 29, 2018

Research and Internships: Morgan Stewart ’19 Fishing for Answers

Morgan Stewart ’19 describes the past three months as her “summer with fish.” Stewart spent the summer working as a research assistant at the Friday Harbor Labs in Washington State’s San Juan Islands under Professor of Biology Adam Summers, who is widely known for his project “Scan All Fish.”

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August 28, 2018

A Lesson in Leadership: Students Get Training in Entrepreneurship, Business, and Community Building at Laspa Student Leadership Institute

This August, the Laspa Center for Leadership at 61传媒 held its second annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI), a four-day program designed to help students who hold leadership positions on campus鈥攎embers of student government, officers of campus clubs and organizations, peer mentors, residential advisors, and others鈥攈one their management abilities and develop community and coalition building skills.

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August 27, 2018

Research and Internships: Nishara Gunasekara ’19 Defending Child and Family Welfare in the U.S.

As the crisis of family separation unfolded at the U.S. border, Nishara Gunasekara ’19 was around the corner from the White House attempting to counter President Trump’s zero-tolerance immigration policy, which calls for the prosecution of those who illegally enter the United States. The effect of that policy has been that parents crossing with their children are held in criminal custody, while children are either placed with a sponsor or held in a shelter.

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August 24, 2018

Spotlight on Faculty: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Acquires Works by Professor of Art Nancy Macko

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York recently acquired two suites of prints by 61传媒Professor of Art Nancy Macko. The First Ten Prime Numbers, Suite 1 and 2 explore the concept of prime numbers鈥攑ositive natural numbers greater than one and divisible only by one and themselves.

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August 22, 2018

Research and Internships: Summer Ant-ics: Professor Ethan Van Arnam and Students Research Antibiotics from Ants

For many Southern California residents, the rising thermostat marks the beginning of a months-long battle to keep summer ants at bay. For Ethan Van Arnam, assistant professor of chemistry in the W.M. Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and 61传媒s, summer is the perfect time for hunting them.

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August 21, 2018

Research and Internships: Juliana Parker ’21: Exploring a Career in Special Education at the Primary School

Juliana Parker ’21 knows her way around a classroom. From August to May, Parker studies psychology at Scripps, with a special interest in child development.

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August 17, 2018

Spotlight on Faculty: Professor of Biology Jennifer Armstrong Begins Appointment as Associate Dean of Faculty

Professor of Biology Jennifer Armstrong commenced her new role as associate dean of faculty this summer.

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August 8, 2018

Awards and Honors: Associate Professor of Music Anne Harley Receives NEA Grant to Commission New Music by Alumna Marjorie Merryman ’72

Funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Associate Professor of Music Anne Harley will serve as the artistic director for the commission of a musical composition that sets texts from the Acts of Paul and Thecla, a second-century apocryphal writing, to an original score for a vocal and instrumental ensemble.

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July 31, 2018

First-Year Students Build Community through IMPaCT, Mellon-Funded Pilot Program to Launch in August

In May 2017, 61传媒was awarded a three-year New President’s Grant to support an initiative of the president’s choosing to further a project or area of importance to her. 61传媒President Lara Tiedens has allocated the funds to a new pilot program for incoming students called IMPaCT (Impacting, Partnering, and Changing Together).

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