Born 1968, Vienna, Austria
Academic History
2012-2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts and Art History, American University of Beirut, AUB, Lebanon Head of Studio Arts Program
Technical Director AUB Galleries, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
2011-2012 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts and Art History, American University of Beirut, AUB, Lebanon
Education: 1995 MFA, Distinction, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
Academic Focus
Studio Arts, Art Theory
Frontiers, nature, the history of the notion of 'wilderness', conservation, identity, creativity studies, perception, cognitive science, religion, alchemy, art history, literature, music
Courses Taught
- ART 105: Intro to Drawing
- ART 101: Intro to Painting
Selected Research and Publications
Solo Exhibitions:
- 2012 Parime, Galeria T20, Murcia, Spain
- 2011 Solo presentation, ARCO Madrid, Spain
- 2007 Newes from America, Galerie Steinle, Munich, Germany valley girls, Another Year In LA, Los Angeles, U.S.A. sunset:delayed Kasper Kovitz and Andrea Lenardin collaboration, MAK Museum, Vienna, Austria Zone 1, Viennafair, Austria, Steinle Contemporary
- 2005 Come on boys Here芒鈧劉s good water, Roswell Museum of Art, Roswell, U.S.A.
- 2014 Traces of Disappearance, with Anne and Patrick Poirier, Goang-Ming Yuan and Naoya Hatekeyamas curated by Eva-Christina Kraus and Murielle Hladik, Espace LV, Tokyo, Japan, catalogue The Museum of Abject Sentimentality, RMIT School of Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia Vienna for Art's Sake!, Winter Palace, Belvedere, Vienna, Austria, catalogue DOCUMENT 8, Fountainwell Press, London, U.K.
- 2013 Body Language, Saatchi Gallery, London, U.K., catalogue A Point of View of a Cat, Animatron, Los Angeles, U.S.A.聽off the page, curated by Angela Harutyunyan, 392RMEIL393, Beirut, Lebanon
- 1995 La risurrezione, film screening, IAE "Club Berlin", Venice, Italy
- 1994 Tod, film screening, Filmfestival Diagonale, Salzburg, Austria
Awards and Honors
- 2010 BilbaoArte, Spain
- 2009 Pollock Krasner Foundation grant, NYC, U.S.A.
- International Studio & Curatorial Program, NYC, U.S.A.
- 2004 Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program, New Mexico, U.S.A.
- 2002 Marie Walsh Sharpe Space Program, NYC, U.S.A.
- 1998 International Studio & Curatorial Program, NYC, U.S.A.
- 1996 MAK/Schindler Scholarship, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
- 1994 Trend Art Spectrum Prize, Vienna, Austria