
Then and Now: Members of the Class of 2019 Reflect on Their First Day at Scripps

At the start of the 2015–16 academic year, we as they were moving into their residence halls about why they chose 61´«Ă˝and what their plans were for their college careers. Now, four years later, we’ve caught up with some of those seniors to see how their plans shaped up, how they’ve grown, and where they’re off to after graduation.

A black and white photo of two young woman smiling next to each other in a hallway next to a colored picture of the young blond woman wearing professional clothing and smiling in an art gallery.

“Four years ago, I had said that I wanted to major in English, but I ended up majoring in art history! 61´«Ă˝has been a place where I’ve not just grown academically and professionally, but emotionally, as well. I’ve figured out what I care about and who I am. I was an intern at the Williamson Gallery last semester and got the chance to curate my own show—an experience I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. I’m now hoping to go into museum work, and I have an internship this summer at a museum in Memphis. I was the film and music columnist for the 61´«Ă˝Voice, and that was an awesome experience. I’ll miss doing that and having the chance to be published. 61´«Ă˝has made me so poised for my future and for the variety of opportunities out there.”

—Ali Bush ’19

A black and white photo of a young woman with her mother and father next to a color picture of the young woman sitting inside and looking to the left.

“On Move-In Day, I had said I wanted to major in linguistics, and I did it! I’m really grateful that I got such amazing support from my professors. I’m really close to one of my professors; I babysit his daughter and get dinners with their family. It’s amazing to have that connection to someone within my department who can provide both academic and life advice. To be able to have that and to know that I’m going to carry that connection post-graduation is really important and special to me. I am really going to miss the community I’ve found here as well as the loving and accepting support system that I’ve created and been part of. I really loved getting involved on campus and within The Claremont Colleges as a whole, specifically through Café Con Leche, Challah for Hunger, and by being a linguistic mentor at Pomona College.”

—Kaela Fong ’19

A black and white image of three young woman in a kitchen next to a color of one of the young white women smiling in a courtyard outside.

“I clearly remember Move-In Day, when President Tiedens was introducing herself and people were taking pictures. It was interesting to read what I said four years ago about being excited to meet people and loving the campus atmosphere. I chose 61´«Ă˝based on what I envisioned the community to be like and, four years later, I see that it’s what I had hoped for. The 61´«Ă˝community has broadened my horizons and taught me to be more thoughtful. I am thankful for my entire experience and the ways I’ve grown both academically and personally. I really liked getting to know my professors, and I’m glad I took advantage of their office hours, especially in my last two years. I’m now working with a professor and advisor on publishing my own academic work. I’m planning to move to New York City to pursue marketing after I graduate with my bachelor’s in media studies and economics.”

—Taylor Milana ’19

A black and white picture of a young South Asian woman in her dorm room next to a color picture of the young woman smiling at a table while holding up papers in a library.

“I’m an English major, and 61´«Ă˝has the best professors in that department. The quality of my humanities classes was great, and I will miss having the department’s supportive resources. Assistant Professor of English Tessie Prakas was my thesis reader, and I will miss going into her office to talk about not just academics, but about life in general,” says Patel, who in 2015 shared that she was interested in neuroscience and writing. “I really enjoyed that my major and course of study didn’t inhibit me from participating in other things as well, both academically and socially. I went to Germany to do neuroscience research, which was completely out of my comfort zone. I’m one of the editors-in-chief of the 61´«Ă˝Voice and president of the Hindu Society. I work in Denison Library, and I’m also the vice president of Tech for Claremont and Claremont Tamasha and the stage manager for Sanskriti, which is stressful but incredibly fun.”

—Rena Patel ’19
