
In the Media (page 23)

October 25, 2021

In the Media: NBC News Discusses History of LA Chinatown Massacre with Hao Huang

NBC News spoke to Hao Huang, Bessie and Cecil Frankel Chair in Music and professor of music, about the 150th anniversary of the LA Chinatown Massacre, which occurred on October 24.

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October 22, 2021

In the Media: Hao Huang Discusses 150th Anniversary of Chinatown Massacre with KPCC’s AirTalk

Hao Huang, Bessie and Cecil Frankel Chair in Music and professor of music, spoke with KPCC’s AirTalk about the 150th anniversary of the LA Chinatown Massacre and his podcast, Blood on Gold Mountain, which explores the massacre through storytelling.

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October 19, 2021

In the Media: Hao Huang Discusses LA Chinatown Massacre with KCRW and KPCC, Commemorative Event Highlighted in Daily Bulletin

Hao Huang, Bessie and Cecil Frankel Chair in Music and professor of music, spoke with KCRW about the 150th anniversary of the LA Chinatown Massacre, one of the worst instances of racial violence in California history. “This isn’t just an Asian American history, this is an American history,” Huang said.

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October 14, 2021

In the Media: Jung Fitzpatrick ’01 Discusses Her Photography Career with ShoutoutLA

Jung Fitzpatrick ’01 spoke to ShoutoutLA about photography, making mid-career changes, and her favorite spots in San Francisco. When she was in her mid-30s, Fitzpatrick left her career in nonprofit management to pursue a career in photography.

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October 6, 2021

In the Media: Myriam J.A. Chancy Discusses Caribbean Literature in Electric Literature, Literary Hub

Myriam J.A. Chancy, Hartley Burr Alexander Chair in the Humanities, recommended nine books “about love, loss, and longing,” with Caribbean settings in Electric Literature. She also spoke to Literary Hub.

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October 4, 2021

In the Media: NPR Interviews Myriam J.A. Chancy about New Novel

Myriam J.A. Chancy, Hartley Burr Alexander Chair in the Humanities, spoke with NPR’s “Weekend Edition” about her new novel, What Storm, What Thunder, which focuses on the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. “I was saved the pain of absence,” Chancy said, discussing one character’s survivor’s guilt.

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September 30, 2021

In the Media: Los Angeles Times Highlights Effect of Legislation Championed by Hannah-Beth Jackson ’71

The Los Angeles Times spoke with former California State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson ’71 about the effect of Senate Bill 826, which requires publicly-traded companies in California to diversify their boardrooms.

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September 27, 2021

In the Media: Stacey Wood Discusses Fraud and Gaslighting with San Francisco Chronicle

Stacey Wood, Molly Mason Jones Chair in Psychology and professor of psychology, spoke with the San Francisco Chronicle about scammers’ use of gaslighting as a tactic to commit fraud.

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September 24, 2021

In the Media: J. Paul Getty Museum Acquires Six Photographs by Ken Gonzales-Day, Beverly Press Reports

The J. Paul Getty Museum has acquired six photographs by Ken Gonzales-Day, Fletcher Jones Chair in Art and professor of art, from his Searching for California Hang Trees and Memento Mori series.

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September 14, 2021

In the Media: Claremont Courier Previews Look Up: In Three Acts

The Claremont Courier previewed Look Up: In Three Acts, an exhibition by artist and MacArthur “genius” grant recipient Elizabeth Turk ’83 that will take place at 61传媒 this month.

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