
Britt Rynearson ’00 to be Featured in Terrain Gallery Exhibit

Textile artist Britt Rynearson ’00’s work is featured in the Connective Strands of Spirit exhibit at the Terrain Gallery in Spokane, Washington. The show will run until March 1.

The Spokesman-Review spoke with Rynearson about the exhibit, her pieces, and the importance of celebrating Plateau tribal artists.

“All of us have a different lens on our families and our cultural and artistic traditions within our families and our ancestors, and so we bring that together,” Rynearson told The Spokesman-Review.

“We say, ‘This is us today. We are all different. We all work in different mediums. We all approach things with a different perspective, but we are in conversation with each other, and we are connected and we are contemporary Plateau artists. Look at all the different things that we have to say, and look at all the different ways we say it,’” Rynearson said.

Read the full interview and find the show’s statement .
