
Student Only Workshop – Edina Lekovic

A Canary in the Coal Mine: Being Muslim in Trump’s America

Since he declared his candidacy, Donald Trump has repeatedly taken aim at Muslims, painting them as a suspicious population requiring greater scrutiny and surveillance. His calls for a Muslim ban targeting 7 countries and his racist and Islamophobic cabinet picks also come with turning a blind eye to some of the most outrageous, racist and hate-filled attacks we have seen in our country in a long time. Edina will explore the way in which the treatment of American Muslims and other vulnerable communities presents a battle for our democracy and way of life.

Edina Lekovic is Muslim Public Affairs Counsel’s Public Affairs Consultant. Previously, as Director of Policy and Programming, she oversaw strategic initiatives in government and policy, media and communications, and leadership development. From 2004-2010, Edina served as MPAC’s Communications Director, and has appeared regularly in major media outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, CBS Television, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angeles Times.

This workshop is presented in partnership with 61传媒 Dean of Students Office.
