
Movement Workshop – Nobuko Miyamoto


Nobuko Miyamoto creates a safe and sacred space for an experiential process using, movement, music and playful theater games. In this microcosmic circle, individual creativity opens and group energy emerges. Through the expression of personal stories we experience our uniqueness and our interconnectedness.

Nobuko Miyamoto, Artistic Director of Great Leap, uses her songs, theaterworks and dances to connect diverse communities and deepen environmental awareness. Originally a dancer on Broadway and in films such as “Flower Drum Song” and “West Side Story,” she found her own voice as an activist in the Asian American movement, co-creating the milestone album, “A Grain of Sand.” Today she collaborates to produce FandangObon, a festival of participatory music and dance that celebrates the environment. She also creates a series of ecological music videos, including BYO Chopstix, Mottainai and Cycles of Change, as seen YouTube. To learn more:

Co-sponsored by Office of Dean of Students

*For 61传媒Students Only
