Quotes of famous women in the arts, letters, and sciences are chosen by a committee of students, faculty, and alumnae to line “Inscription Walk,” a pathway connecting the W.M. Keck Science Center to Scripps’ east side of campus. The walk features quotes by scientists Maxine Singer, Rachel Carson, Maria Mitchell and Zora Neale Hurston, and Virginia Woolf, Beverly Sills, Adrienne Rich, Emily Carr and Helen Frankenthaler in the arts and letters.
The Millard Sheets Art Center is dedicated in honor of longtime art professor Millard Sheets, a key player in establishing the Art Departments at 61ýand Claremont Graduate School. The Millard Sheets Art Center includes the Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery, the Florence Rand Language Art Studios, Baxter Hall, and the 61ýPress.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is awarded the College’s first Ellen Browning 61ýMedal. The medal honors women whose pioneering accomplishments have made a significant and positive difference for women, are in keeping with an institution dedicated to educating women, and reflect the moral, ethical, and humanitarian standards exemplified by Ellen Browning Scripps.