
Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert – Biology

Professor Edwalds-Gilbert presented the following:

  • An invited talk “Regulation of gene expression by mRNA translation in response to stress” at the Symbioza Research Conference in Warsaw, Poland, and at the Cell Biology Conference at Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland, May 2019;
  • Delivered a keynote address “Building bridges between basic science and clinical medicine: a liberal arts perspective” at the Medical Science Pulse Conference at Opole University Medical School, Opole, Poland, May 2019;
  • Gave a conference presentation on her Fulbright research “Non-AUG Translation Initiation Results in Localization of Proteins Involved in RNA Metabolism to the Mitochondria” at the International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology in Gothenburg, Sweden, in August 2019.
